Asbestos Legislation
Asbestos Solutions Ltd Makes Complying With Your Obligations Under New Zealand’s Asbestos Legislation Simple
In 2013 the Independent Taskforce on Workplace Health and Safety reported that New Zealand’s work health and safety system was failing.
As a result, New Zealand’s work health and safety system underwent its most significant reform in 20 years resulting in the establishment of WorkSafe New Zealand and the Health and Safety at Work Act 2015 (HSWA).
WorkSafe is responsible for administering the legislation that covers health and safety at work including Asbestos related work.
Health and Safety at Work Act 2015
HSWA recognises that a well-functioning health and safety system relies on participation, leadership, and accountability by government, business and workers.
HSWA sets out the principles, duties and rights in relation to workplace health and safety.
A guiding principle of HSWA is that workers and others need to be given the highest level of protection from workplace health and safety risks, as is reasonable.
HSWA shifts the focus from monitoring and recording health and safety incidents to proactively identifying and managing risks so everyone is safe and healthy.

Request an Appraisal
If you have concerns about asbestos at your property or commercial building, or require commercial asbestos encapsulation or disposal, leave your details with us and our certified asbestos experts will be in touch to discuss the likelihood of any asbestos hazards and the appropriate steps to take.